Writing Sprints Inspiration: Jenifer
If you missed last week’s episode, you missed a great one. You can watch the replay here.
Once again, our 15 minute word sprint produced some great works. This week, the prompt was: “That’s it…I quit!”.
Marnie stormed through the door of Mr. Boss’s office and slammed the door shut behind her. It felt good, this physical and audible manifestation of the storm that was brewing beneath the surface of what she could only imagine was a hot, red face. But that satisfaction was short lived when the action did not elicit the response she had expected.
[Read more…] about Writing Sprints Inspiration: JeniferWriting Sprints Inspiration: Jamie
If you missed last week’s episode, you missed a great one. You can watch the replay here.
Jamie put her heart into today’s prompt, which is: That’s it…I Quit!. Enjoy, and make sure you reach out to her to let her know you want her to finish this story!
“That’s it…I quit”
“No, Sheree! You can’t! We’re in the middle of ribfest and there’s no way we can handle this volume with only two servers on the floor. Please, have mercy!”
[Read more…] about Writing Sprints Inspiration: JamieEpisode 158: NaNoWriMo: Should I Quit?
Dear Christian Indies,
Sometimes we set a goal and begin to work toward it, only to discover the journey from start to completion is wrought with more trouble than we’d bargained for.
[Read more…] about Episode 158: NaNoWriMo: Should I Quit?Writing Sprints Inspiration: Tina
If you missed last week’s episode, you missed a great one. You can watch the replay here.
As always, the ladies of the podcast created some great pieces of writing from this sprint prompt. Today’s Prompt is five words: burn, giant, profile, sphere, research. We really enjoyed Tina’s take on the prompt, and we think you will as well! Enjoy, and make sure you reach out to her to let her know you want her to finish this story!
“Am I supposed to burn this now?” asked Jack, holding up the piece of paper Roger had given him, calling it “research on the client”.
Roger’s brow wrinkled, and he pinched the bridge of his nose. Jack half expected him to pull a bottle out of a drawer and take a big gulp. Jack would bet money that’s exactly what he would do the minute Jack left.
“This guy is a ghost. He has no history, he’s not in any system anywhere. No driver’s license, no titles to anything. No social security number.”
Jack looked back at the page, ignoring the giant white space on the lower half and concentrating on what there was in the profile. He was an expert marksman, he executed with military precision, and he was ruthless.
“He may be a ghost in the states, but we live on a big sphere. Have you checked with interpol?”
“I have a call in. Seems, they’ve all gone home for the day. The French aren’t the workaholics we apparently are.”
“What about the emergency number?” Jack asked.
“I hadn’t gotten to it, and now I’m handing it over to you. It’s your headache now.”
“Thanks,” said Jack, wondering if Roger was even capable of recognizing sarcasm.
“Your Welcome,” said Roger.
Well, that answers that question, thought Jack, as he rose from the chair.
“Shall I keep you updated,” Jack asked before Roger could say the usual.
“Yes, yes, keep me updated.” Roger waved at Jack without looking up, his mind already focused on the next problem.
Roger wasn’t cut out to be a spy, that much was clear. Which is why they had Jack, who fit every stereotype ever typed onto a page, including the fact that he always got his man.
Christina Cattane is a Christian Indie Writer who writes stories set in Alaska and other exotic locales. She is the author of a novel called ‘Lost in the Land of the Midnight Sun’ which falls in the Christian Dystopian Fiction genre, but she also writes in many other genres. Tina grew up in Alaska, has lived in Saudi Arabia, and currently resides in Michigan with her husband and youngest 2 of 4 kids. Her travels around the world often influence her writing. Visit her website at http://christinacattane.com where you can see the progress she is making on her novel. Or catch up with her on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/cmcattane
Episode 157: NaNoWriMo: Are You Meeting Your Goals?
Dear Indie,
It’s official, National Novel Writing Month is upon us! We’re almost a week into the writing frenzy, and we thought it would be a good idea to check in with each other regarding our goals, and see how each of us is doing meeting them.
Writing Sprints Inspiration: Rhonda
If you missed last week’s episode, you missed a great one. You can watch the replay here.
As always, the ladies of the podcast created some great pieces of writing from this sprint prompt. This week, the prompt was: Autumn Traditions. We really enjoyed Rhonda’s take on the prompt, and we think you will as well! Enjoy, and make sure you reach out to her to let her know you want her to finish this story!
Marcy crept up behind Cheryl, stepping gingerly to avoid giving herself away by the crunching of leaves. She slipped into a spot next to Cheryl and placed the warm mug on the rail in front of her. The fragrant steam formed a cloud around Cheryl’s head. She coughed sharply, then continued coughing obnoxiously.
[Read more…] about Writing Sprints Inspiration: RhondaEpisode 155: NaNoWriMo: Plot Outline: Fantasy
Dear Christain Indie,
We’ve been gearing up for National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) all through the month of October, and we’ve got another great “Preptober” episode in store for you today!
[Read more…] about Episode 155: NaNoWriMo: Plot Outline: Fantasy