“I just don’t understand you kids today and your obsession with technology,” Norma Jean said, shaking her head and grabbing another ear of corn. “All these newfangled computers and
interwebs and things.”
“Grandma, technology isn’t all bad,” Betty Sue said, tearing the long green leaves from the ear she was holding then breaking the thick stump off the end.
“I can’t think of a single way technology has benefited me.”
“Grandma, you have a telephone. And a radio. And a television.”
“Well, that’s different.”
Betty Sue rolled her eyes at the familiar expression. She knew better than to argue when her grandma used it. Still, she was not about to surrender the point. She chose her next words
“Remember when you told me about the writing group you had back when you lived in Maple Pointe?”
Norma Jean set her corn in her lap and looked wistfully away. “I do remember. Golly how I miss those gals.”
Betty knew her words had hit their target. She carried on with gusto. “Imagine, Gram, if there was a way for you to re-start your writing group.”
“Impossible,” Norma Jean said, “Hyacinth’s gone to Florida for half the year, Brenda’s moved in with her son in Vegas, and Laura Sue, who’s only the next town over, doesn’t drive.”
“It’s not impossible, Gram. There is a way for your writing group to start meetings again, thanks to the miracle that is modern technology.”
Tune in to today’s episode of The Christian Indie Writers’ Podcast to learn how Norma Jean, and YOU, can put together an online writing group!
See you there,

Jenifer Carll-Tong is the best-selling author of historical Christian romances and co-host of the Christian Indie Writers’ Podcast.