Can you take a little criticism?
Faithful are the wounds of a friend… Proverbs 27:6
Greetings from Michigan!
It’s not always easy to accept criticism, especially when that criticism is about something we have poured our heart and soul into. As authors, that is exactly the position we put ourselves into when we offer our work up for critique. But the Bible is very clear about the importance of seeking wise counsel.
I don’t always see problems in my manuscript, mostly because I am too close to it. I love these characters! Isn’t that scene great! I love how this story is moving forward! Then Jamie or Tina or Rhonda or one of the other ladies in our writing group gets a hold of it and all of a sudden, there are plot holes and inconsistent character actions and head-hopping.
I could respond to their feedback one of two ways…I could dig my heals in and say, “You don’t understand my writing!” or, instead, I could listen to their advice, make some changes, and have a much better manuscript in the end, because, let’s be honest…they are usually right. Proverbs 12:15 says, “The way of fools seems right to them, but the wise listen to advice.” Without the wise counsel of my friends, who knows what garbage I would publish!
There’s a reason that our second episode of the Christian Indie Writers’ Podcast is all about Critiquing. Once you have found good, Christian counsel in the form of a writing group, you need to listen to them! But it’s not always as easy as it sounds. Join me, along with Tina, Rhonda and Jamie as we discuss that and much more on this week’s podcast! Click here to watch on YouTube, or here to listen in iTunes. Can’t wait to chat with you!
Until next week!

Jenifer Carll-Tong is the best-selling author of historical Christian romances and co-host of the Christian Indie Writers’ Podcast.