If you’re a writer looking to dive into the world of cozy mysteries, you’ve come to the right place! In episode 152 of the Christian Indie Writers Podcast, we discussed the art of plotting a cozy mystery—from the essential elements of a mystery to the cozy-specific twists that make this genre so beloved. Let’s break it down!
[Read more…] about Plotting a Cozy Mystery: A Guide229: Back to Basics: Characters or Story first?
Plotter vs. Discovery Writer?
Morning writer vs evening writer? Coffee or tea?
There are a lot of things that separate us as writers, but are there any areas that we agree on?
In this episode, the ladies discuss if they have any common ground in how they start the planning of their work, specifically, do they start with the story or with the characters.
Be sure and join our private Facebook group, Listeners of the Christian Indie Writers Podcast, to be a part of this growing and dynamic community of Christian writers.
We can’t wait for you to join us on today’s podcast!
#228:Did God Tell You to Write?
Hey Christian Indies,
Are you called to write your book? How do you know if God has called you to be a writer? The ladies discuss this as well as what it means to be created to create in this episode.
Be sure and join our private Facebook group, Listeners of the Christian Indie Writers Podcast, to be a part of this growing and dynamic community of Christian writers.
We can’t wait for you to join us on today’s podcast!
Tina, Jamie, and Jen
227: Back to School: What’s Your Why?
Hey Christian Indies,
Summer is quickly slipping away and that can only mean one thing…back to school.
But it isn’t just the little tykes that need to prepare for the change of seasons. As writers, the transition into fall is the perfect time to get your writing and your author business back on track.
Today we continue our Back to School series with the question of Why?
Why do you write?
You might not have thought about it before, but the why behind your writing will affect it.
Be sure and join our private Facebook group, Listeners of the Christian Indie Writers Podcast, to be a part of this growing and dynamic community of Christian writers.
We can’t wait for you to join us on today’s podcast!
Tina, Jamie, and Jen
225: The 3 Rs of Keeping Your Novel Accurate
How accurate does your novel need to be?
Does anyone really care if your character is holding the gun properly or if she is dressed in the appropriate attire for the time period.
Do coroners really give cause and time of death at a crime scene?
Will an EMP really shut down everything electronic, sending us back to the stone age?
Believe it or not, accuracy is important to readers and in this episode, the ladies will share ways you can ensure your novel is accurate.
Be sure and join our private Facebook group, Listeners of the Christian Indie Writers Podcast, to be a part of this growing and dynamic community of Christian writers.
We can’t wait for you to join us on today’s podcast!
Tina and Jen
220: Writer’s Life: Fitting Writing into Your Summer Fun
Summer is finally here, and you know what that means… summer vacation! And as happy as those two words make most children, it can bring an amount of stress to parents…especially those parents who are trying to keep to a writing schedule. In this episode, Jen and Tina discuss strategies to fit your writing into your summer plans.
#194: Self-Publishing Tips: Blurb Clinic
Last week we explored covers and gave you some helpful tips and tricks to see if your cover met genre expectations. Of course, that’s not super important if your goal is to write purely for pleasure, but it’s something super important if you’re hoping your cover will translate into more book sales.
But what if your cover is great and on target, yet you are selling no books? Or what your cover is “close enough,” but you don’t have the time/energy/funds to commit to a total re-brand at the moment?
#193: Self-Publishing Tips: Does My Cover Fit My Genre?
Is your cover in need of an overhaul? Does it still match your genre? Is your current cover thwarting book sales? Can it be resuscitated, or is it DOA? Bring it into the cover clinic and find out!
#192 Writing Groups 101: Genre-Specific Writing Groups Pros and Cons
Dear Christian Indies,
We’ve been talking all about writing groups these past weeks, and this week we’re going to talk about whether having everyone in your group writing the same genre is a help or a hindrance.
It’s an episode you won’t want to miss.
See you there,
#191: Writing Groups 101: Critique Do’s and Don’ts: Jamie’s Piece
Dear Christian Indies,
It’s my turn to be “in the hot seat” this week, as Jen and Tina review the first chapter of my upcoming book, “Analog,” and offer suggestions for improvement.
It’s a difficult spot for me to be in.
I’m uncomfortable…but that discomfort hurts so good.
Allow me to explain:
[Read more…] about #191: Writing Groups 101: Critique Do’s and Don’ts: Jamie’s Piece