Good morning Christian Indies!
What a crazy month October is turning out to be! We’ve been so busy over here at the Christian Indie Writers’ Podcast, not only prepping our own stories for National Novel Writing Month (lovingly referred to as NaNoWriMo around the world), but we’ve been hard at work with our #Preptober series, which includes weekly Facebook Lives focusing on different parts of the plotting process. In this last Sunday’s Facebook Live, Jamie and I discussed plotting your story, and we continue the conversation with today’s podcast, Plotting vs. Pantsing.
Everybody is unique. That’s just how God made us. Psalm 139:13 tells us that He knit us together in our mother’s womb. What a great image…our heavenly Father gingerly creating us in such a fashion! Since we are so uniquely made, doesn’t it make sense that our writing styles, born out of our unique personalities, would be unique as well?
In Episode 11, we each discuss what it means to be a plotter or a pantser and what that looks like in the planning process. Tune in to iTunes or YouTube to watch our discussion, then join us at on Facebook page on Sunday evening, 9 pm ET/8 pm CT as we continue our #Preptober planning with a discussion on building characters with Jamie.

Jenifer Carll-Tong is the best-selling author of historical Christian romances and co-host of the Christian Indie Writers’ Podcast.