Dear Christian Indie,
We’re at the middle of the month of November, which means that for those of you who are working on your National Novel Writing Month project in a linear way, you are approaching the middle of your novel.
If you find yourself feeling a bit stuck at this point, or maybe even like you don’t know what to write next or what your characters should do next, please do not feel alone. There is a well-known phrase among writers, “The murky middle,” and it is meant to reference exactly the feeling you may be having about your work in progress as you approach the middle of your story. If you are stuck in the murky middle, your characters have been introduced, and the scene has been set. Now it’s time for stuff to happen…and you know it had better be a whole lot of stuff, because your climax and conclusion are still another 20,000 words or so in your future.
Well, Indie, we are here to tell you that the middle does not have to be “murky!” That’s right, this week on the podcast we are going to give you tips and tricks to ensure your story keeps being engaging to read and fun to write, well through the bulk of the stuff that many authors dread to delve into. It’s an episode you won’t want to miss.
See you there,