Dear Christian Indies,
Of late, we’ve been focusing quite a bit on the “after” bit of the writing process – a natural fit for us as three of the four of us have quite recently published. Now that we are all in the crafting phase of writing, the ladies and I are eager to get back to basics and begin delivering some essential writing tips to you, our awesome audience!
First up is plotting – we know it takes its various forms, but for our purposes, we’re talking “beats.” That’s right, I said, “beats” – just like you would hear in music. Folks who write to beats understand that, as with music, storytelling follows certain patterns that are universally considered pleasant to the human ear. Learning about plotting is a key component to understanding what makes a story “tick,” and by hitting all the “beats,” you can be sure your plot will be a true masterpiece.
As we have an expert on the subject as a co-host, we are going to explore the notion of plotting using “beats” and “beat sheets” on this week’s episode! That’s right, Rhonda Hagerman is one half of the awesome team that is the writer DD Bouman, who brought us the amazing, “Plot Your Novel: With This Workbook.”
So, whether you’re a plotter already, or a pantser challenging us to “just try and convince me to plot my novel,” you are sure to love this episode, full of the information and shenanigans you’ve come to expect from the Christian Indie Writers!
See you there,