Dear Christian Indie,
This week we are covering the topic of going “Permafree,” an expression which means your book is permanently free on all platforms.
We know what you’re going to say – “Hold on a minute! I spent all this time and effort writing a book and you want me to give it away for free?”
Well, the answer is both “yes” and “no,” Indie.
If you are more of a hobby writer – someone who publishes to get the work out there, but not necessarily to make an income off writing – or if you are someone who truly believes you only have the one book in you, this may not exactly be a strategy you’d want to entertain. However, if you are looking to make writing a career, you will likely write and publish more than one book, and research shows you can increase sales of all those books simply by making the first one Permanently free.
But there are some things you should know about the process of going Permafree, Christian Indie, and we’re here to fill you in! We’ll also let you know about the amazing results Jen saw when she took her first book Permafree, so you won’t want to miss it (I’m about bursting to tell you all about it, but she’s sworn me to “no spoilers”)! I can’t wait until we get together to talk about it; as I know you have all been rooting for an amazing outcome!
See you then,